This Symposium has Concluded
Poster Session A
Poster | Title |
A.1 | Probing the molten globule structure of aspartate aminotransferases
on an ion clyclotron-Fourier transform mass spectrometer in combination
with hydrogen exchange A. Artigues*, E. Gharst and J. Oses-Prieto |
A.2 | Monitoring chemical and oxidative modifications in human estrogen
receptor alpha isoform C. Atsriku*, J. Meza, G. Scott, M. Baldwin, B. Gibson, and C. Benz |
A.3 | The elucidation of the disulfide framework of conotoxin GIIIB
using electron capture dissociation mass spectrometry C. Brinkworth*, K. Hansen, R. Chalkley, M. McFarland, A. Marshall and A. Burlingame |
A.4 | Capturing the dynamics of GRP94 homodimer by using chemical
cross-linking and mass spectrometry F. Chu*, J. Maynard, C. Nicchitta, and A. Burlingame |
A.5 | Characterizaton of IgG1 molecule by peptide map S. Deng*, B. Bailey and A. Wallace |
A.6 | D. Dumlao*, J. Katz, J. Wasserman, M. Lansdown, K. Faull, M. Jung and S. Clarke |
A.7 | Optimising selection of Q-peptides for absolute protein quantification
using QCAT C. Eyers*, S. O’Hagan, D. Kell, D. Simpson, R. Beynon and S. Gaskell |
A.8 | Analysis of cell polarity protein regulation using high performance
LC MALDI C. Lock, K. Williams*, N. Bloomfeld, T. Covey, P. Kovarik, M. Yang, L. Taylor, C. Wells and A. Pawson |
A.9 | Subcellular organelles: We can take the cell apart, but can
we put it back together? C. Fenselau*, Y. An, Z. Fu, A. Rahbar, R. Strong and P. Gutierrez |
A.10 | Multidimensional separation of membrane protein digests using immobilized pH gradients
coupled to LC-MS for enhanced sequence coverage and confidence M. Hajivandi*, X. Liang, J. Leite, M. Blanton and M. Pope |
A.11 | Proteomic characterization of a natural microbial community reveals
information about community structure and metabolic potential R. Hettich*, N. VerBerkmoes, R. Ram, M. Thelan, G. Tyson, B. Baker, M. Shah, R. Blake II and J. Banfield |
A.12 | ABRF-PRG05: De Novo Peptide Sequence Determination J. Kowalak*, A. Falick, W. Lane, T. Neubert, B. Phinney, C. Turck, S. Weintraub and K. West |
A.13 | Coupling a traveling wave collision cell with an oa-TOF mass analyzer for enhanced
detection of peptide post-translational modifications J. Langridge*, I. Campuzano, M. Ritchie and T. McKenna |
A.14 | Analysis of immunoglobulin G glycosylation at the glycopeptide level using liquid chromatography -
mass spectrometry with subsequent ion current extraction B. Macek*, J. Hofsteenge, D. Hess, M. Floegel and J. Peter-Katalinic |
A.15 | Proteomics on a Thermo Finnigan LTQ-FTICR mass spectrometer D. Maltby*, A. Lynn and P. Baker |
A.16 | A quantitative study on the membrane associated proteins of Salmonella enterica:
The effects of osmotic stress R. Martin*, J. Langridge, M. Ritchie, P. Skipp, D. O’Connor and B. Cochrane |
A.17 | LC-Laser induced fluorescence detection combined with ESI mass spectrometry
for quantitative proteomics J. Masuda*, N. Morgan, A. Makusky, M. Nishimura, S. Maruyama, P. Smith, T. Phillips, J. Kowalak and S. Markey |
A.18 | Microfluidic nano LC/MS/MS increases sequence coverage and number of proteins identified from
complex samples J. Meza*, C. Miller, B. Miller, D. Horn, F. Kuhlmann and M. Manfredi |
A.19 | Acquisition of tandem mass spectral data in the profile mode dramatically improves data quality in multidimensional protein
identification with TurboSEQUEST search L. Ngoka* |
A.20 | iTRAQ™ reagents for the analysis of protein expression
changes in liver microsomes after drug treatment L. Nuwaysir*, C. Hunter, T. Settineri, W. Tang, S. Seymour, N. Kitteringham, R. Jenkins and S. Pennington |
A.21 | Use of crosslinking and tandem affinity purification (TAP) methodology to identify new interaction
partners of the kinase Mst2 J. Oses-Prieto*, P. Rodriguez-Viciana, A. Joubel, M. Fried and A. Burlingame |
A.22 | Continued explorations in low level data analysis of peptide time-of-flight data C. Paulse*, P. Du, E. Nieves, L. Jin and R. Angeletti |
A.23 | FT-ICR mass spectrometry for N- and O-glycoproteomics: Accurate mass determination,
fragmentation and automatization J. Peter-Katalinic*, L. Bindila, M. Foesch, S. Kölbl, M. Mormann, J. Müthing, G. Pohlentx, S. Vakhrushev, Vukelic and A. Zamfir |
A.24 | Identification of post-translational modifications via blind MS/MS search P. Pevzner*, D. Tsur, V. Bafna, S. Tanner and E. Zandi |
A.25 | Quantification of membrane or membrane-bound proteins between normal and malignant cells isolated from
the same patient with primary breast cancer M. Pope*, X. Liang and M. Hajivandi |
A.26 | Proteomic studies on two closely related species of Octocorallians with special reference to the molecular characteristics
from the organic matrices of endoskeletal sclerites A. Rahman* and T. Uehara |
A.27 | Mass spectral identification of the enzymes involved in the biodegradation of
sulfonated aromatic compounds M. Magony, É. Klement, É. Hunyadi-Gulyás, K.F. Medzihradszky, K. Perei, A. Gara, P. Rapali, K.L. Kovács and G. Rákhely* |
A.28 | Parallel post source decay for enhanced protein identification: Analysis of 2D gel
isolated proteins T. Riley*, M. Snel, E. Claude, J. Langridge, T. McKenna and T. Franz |
A.29 | Evaluation of isotopic labeling of lysine residues of peptides for quantitative proteomics
and de novo sequencing J. Schmitter*, X. Kang, F. Godde and S. Chaignepain |
A.30 | Improving sensitivity by combining results from multiple MS/MS search methodologies with the
scaffold computer algorithm B. Searle*, J. Brundege and M. Turner |
A.31 | Developing high-throughput methods for the study of modified proteins at the intact protein level D. Simpson*, S. Sharma, H. Mottaz, L. Pasa-Tolic and R. Smith |
A.32 | New machine learning approaches for classification of mass spectrometry database search results P. Ulintz*, J. Zhu, P. Andrews and S. Qin |
A.33 | Multidimensional liquid chromatography employing monolithic PS-DVB capillary columns for bottom-up and top-down
proteomic analysis of human platelets R. van Soest*, I. Dragan, B. Dolman, E. Sneekes and R. Swart |
A.34 | Label-free protein quantification using LC-MS: reproducibility and statistical
analysis with complex proteomes G. Wang*, W. Wu and R. Shen |
A.35 | Strategies for generating sequence information from high mass peptides/low mass proteins using novel tandem TOF technology
and iTRAQ™ reagent chemistry M. Willetts*, S. Bhardwaj, M. Minkoff, S. Guertin and B. Purkayastha |
A.36 | Characterization of complex oligosaccharides using a hybrid ion trap and TOF
mass spectrometer coupling with MALDI F. Xiang*, A. Franz and H. Yu |
A.37 | Microtubule dynamics and drug binding studied by hydrogen-deuterium exchange and
mass spectrometry H. Xiao*, F. Wang, R. Angeletti, S. Horwitz and G. Orr |
A.38 | Radiolytic modification of amino acid side chains for quantitative protein footprinting G. Xu*, J. Kiselar, Q. He and M. Chance |
A.39 | An automated top-down LC/MSn approach for identification and characterization of unknown yeast proteins V. Zabrouskov*, Y. Du, R. LeDuc, M. Senko and N. Kelleher |
A.40 | A novel proteomic approach for high throughput membrane protein analysis H. Zhu*, X. Lu, K. Fukada and A. Vien |
Poster Session B
Poster | Title |
B.1 | Mammalian histidine kinase and phosphohistidine detection P. Besant*, X. Zu and P. Attwood |
B.2 | Separation of histone H3 for the characterization of the intact protein and its modifications C. Brinkworth*, R. Talroze, S. Guan and A. Burlingame |
B.3 | Improved sample preparation methods for mass spectrometric characterizations of glycosylated proteins W. Chen*, Y. Yu, P. Lee and J. Gebler |
B.4 | Characterization of posttranslational modifications on histone H2A variants F. Chu*, R. Chalkley,, D. Nusinow, T. Fazzio, B. Panning and A. Burlingame |
B.5 | Identification and quantitation of cell wall-associated proteins from different
vancomycin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus C. Gatlin*, R. Pieper, S. Kuntumalla, S. Huang, H. Alami, D. Clark, E. Gebregeorgis, P. Parmar, E. Mongodin, S. Gill and S. Peterson |
B.6 | FTMS data analysis tools for characterization of posttranslational modifications of
intact proteins S. Guan*, X. Zhang and A. Burlingame |
B.7 | Enhanced sequence coverage of the peptide mass fingerprint for the nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor M. Hajivandi*, M. Blanton, J. Leite, X. Liang and M. Pope |
B.8 | An integrated proteomics approach to decipher the 26S proteasome interacting networks L. Huang*, C. Guerero and P. Kaiser |
B.9 | Targeted proteomic techniques for discovery and post-translational modifications using a hybrid-triple
quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer C. Hunter*, D. Cox, S. Webb and N. Morrice |
B.10 | Location of cofilin binding site on actin monomer A. Kamal, J. Guan, S. Almo and M. Chance |
B.11 | Conformational changes in Akt/PKB activation probed by mass spectrometry H. Kim* and B. Huang |
B.12 | Identification and characterization of novel tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins identified by proteomic
analysis of EGFR pathways H. Konishi*, K. Tashiro, E. Yamauchi, H. Taniguchi, Y. Murata and H. Nabeshi |
B.13 | Identification of a common phosphotyrosine signature for the BCR-Abl fusion kinase V. Goss, K. Lee*, A. Moritz, E. Spek, J. MacNeill, J. Rush, R. Polakiewicz and M. Comb |
B.14 | Effect of shRNA knockdown of protein complex subunits on complex formation and
quantitation using SILAC technique J. Leite*, M. Hajivandi, X. Liang and M. Pope |
B.15 | Mesoporous TiO2-membranes as MALDI-targets for specific detection
of phosphopeptides in mixtures M. Linscheid*, A. Melikyan, T. Moritz, S. Kurzawaski and H. Schlüter |
B.16 | Methodology for mapping and monitoring of phosphorylation sites using a hybrid quadrupole
linear ion trap mass spectrometer S. Mollah*, M. Torres, M. Requard and C. Borchers |
B.17 | Phosphorylation of Bcr-Abl kinase and its downstream substrates in response to STI571 treatment in human
chronic myelogenous leukemia cells M. Pope*, X. Liang, M. Hajivandi, D. Wisniewski, B. Clarkson and M. Resh |
B.18 | Phosphoproteome of rested and activate lymphocytes P. Ruperez*, J. Trinidad, J. Abian and A. Burlingame |
B.19 | Probing lysine acetylation in proteins: strategies and limitations of
in vitro acetyltransferase assays M. Schnölzer*, W. Dormeyer and M. Ott |
B.20 | Investigation of changes in the phosphoproteome as a result of expression of
the leukaemogenic oncogene, TEL-PDGFRbeta. S. Sugden*, C. Evans, A. Whetton and S. Gaskell |
B.21 | Protein isoform recognition and quantitation W. Tang*, S. Seymour, A. Loboda, C. Hunter and D. Schaeffer |
B.22 | Enrichment and characterization of glycopeptides from gel-separated glycoproteins M. Thaysen-Andersen*, N. Brünner and P. Højrup |
B.23 | LCMS and data analysis workflows for mapping phosphorylation sites from in-gel digests J. Torpey* |
B.24 | Automated enrichment of phosphorylated peptides from complex mixtures using a combination of strong cation
exchange chromatography and immobilized metal affinity chromatography J. Trinidad*, A. Thalhammer, C. Specht, R. Schoepfer and A. Burlingame |
B.25 | Optimization of a quantitative method for phosphorylation-site occupancy analysis R. Wei*, M. Burgess, M. Fitzgibbon, D. Friedman and M. Botfield |
B.26 | Liquid chromatography with electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry and fraction collection (LC-MS+) reveals fatty
acylation of human apolipoproteins A-I and A-II J. Whitelegge*, P. Ghasri, L. Yam, S. Bassilian, K. Faull, V. Schumaker and D. Puppione |
B.27 | Advances in LC MS/MS on a novel tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer M. Willetts*, B. Williamson, D. Gostick, K. Parker and N. Araki |
B.28 | Chemical tagging and profiling of lymphocyte plasma membrane glycoproteins by mass spectrometry B. Wollscheid*, J. Watts and R. Aebersold |
B.29 | Site-determination of disulfide bonds with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization
(MALDI) mass spectrometry H. Yu*, K. Murata, J. Hedrick, F. Xiang and A. Franz |
B.30 | Five deamidation sites of ribonuclease A determined by top down mass spectrometry V. Zabrouskov*, E. Welker, H. Zhai, C. Lin, X. Han, H. Scheraga, F. McLafferty and K. van Wijk |
B.31 | Investigation of the posttranslational modifications of yeast histone H3 and H2B by combined intact protein electron
capture dissociation and digest LCMSMS analysis X. Zhang*, R. Chalkley, S. Guan, J. Recht, R. Diaz, C. Allis, A. Marshall and A. Burlingame |
B.32 | Modification of ATP synthase alpha is associated with stimulated acid secretion by gastric glands L. Zhu*, S. Karvar, J. Trinidad, V. Lao, J. Crothers, A. Burlingame and J. Forte |
B.33 | Developing peptide MRM-based assays for cardiovascular biomarker proteins in plasma using a hybrid
triple quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer C. Hunter*, G. Becker, A. Breite and L. Anderson |
B.34 | Proteomic analysis of cellular response to brassinosteroid in Arabidopsis W. Tang*, Z. Deng, X. Zhang, N. Suzuki, R. Chalkley, A. Burlingame and Z. Wang |
B.35 | Conformational flexibility of IKB_ S. Truhlar, D. Ferreiro, S. Bergqvist and E. Komives* |
B.36 | A data-based approach for detecting protein-protein interactions by
chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry. O. Nadeau*, G. Carlson, A. Artigues, J. Paschall, G. Wyckoff |
B.37 | Protein Modification Analysis in Complex Mixtures using an LTQ-FT and ECD R. Chalkley*, J. Trinidad, K. Vosseller, S. Guan, A. Burlingame |
B.38 | Maldi-Tof profiling of plasma from a human colorectal-cancer mouse xenograft model C. Farnsworth*, W. Yu, J. Huard, B. Gliniak, S. Patterson, R. Johnson |
B.39 | Glycosylation in the CH2 Domain of IgG Increases Fc Resistance to Proteolytic Cleavage by Papain S. Raju*, B. Scallon |
B.40 | Proteomic Analysis of Campylobacter Protein Biomarkers C. Fagerquist*, S. Heath, A. Bates, W. Miller, L. Harden, B. King |
Poster Session C
Poster | Title |
C.1 | Proteomics in nutritional health M. Affolter*, L. Lopes, L. Marvin-Guy, G. Bergonzelli and M. Kussmann |
C.2 | Comparative proteomics analysis of human colon cancer F. Bahram*, D. Haid and O. Rön |
C.3 | Identification of secreted virulence factors from mycobacterial
sp. using iTRAQ™ reagents and de novo based homology searching M. Champion*, P. DiGiuseppe and J. Cox |
C.4 | Induction of RhoGAP and pathological changes characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease produced by ultrasound associated with high frequency
electro-magnetic field discharge in the rat brain I. Chang* and H. Hsiao |
C.5 | Identification of drug resistant proteins in nasopharyngeal carcinoma by proteomics H. Chow*, X. Guan and J. Sham |
C.6 | Identification of GRIF-1 associated proteins using a proteomics strategy W. Griffiths*, Y. Wang, K. Brickley and F. Stephenson |
C.7 | Advanced proteomic analyses of the trypanosome flagellum S. Hart*, R. Broadhead, N. Portman, H. Dawe, P. McKean, K. Gull and S. Gaskell |
C.8 | Towards full proteome identification and characterization of Toxoplasma gondii L. Jin*, C. Paulse, T. Huang, B. Burd, Z. Wu, H. Zhang, L. Weiss, R. Angeletti and G. Orr |
C.9 | Probing Arp2/3 complex activation by ATP and WASP using radiolysis and mass spectrometry J. Kiselar*, R. Mahaffy, T. Pollard, S. Almo and M. Chance |
C.10 | Relative quantification of cytochrome P450 proteins in immune-deficient mice grafted with human tumours C. Lane*, K. Karu, C. Seibert, W. Griffiths and L. Patterson |
C.11 | LC-MS/MS identification of the mitochondrial respiratory complex subunits separated on one-dimensional BN-PAGE
in S. cerevisiae wt and mutant strains C. Lemaire*, L. Negroni, A. Guillot, S. Marsy, M. Zivy and G. Dujardin |
C.12 | Optimization of sample preparation, ESI-TOF mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics for serum profiling S. Leung*, R. Pitts and B. Wenner |
C.13 | Quantitative proteomics of colorectal cancer using cleavable isotope-coded affinity tags Q. Lin*, T. Lim, T. You, S. Lo, T. Foo, S. Joshi, H. Shen, C. Ong, M. Chung, P. Cheah, K. Eu and C. Hew |
C.14 | Serum profiling: The analysis of therapeutic proteins and diagnostic markers for
lysosomal storage disorders by LC-MS D. Lin*, H. Vissers, J. Langridge, T. McKenna and H. Aerts |
C.15 | Proteomic analysis of vitamin-A dependent nuclear receptor binding proteins K. Marley*, J. Macdonald, M. Beilstein, M. Leid, M. Schimerlik and C. Maier |
C.16 | Proteomic analysis of Schistosoma mansoni cercarial secretions G. Knudsen, K. Medzihradszky, K. Lim and J. McKerrow* |
C.17 | Large-scale analysis of osteoblast differentiation by differential expression profiling T. Miyamoto*, E. Yamauchi and H. Taniguchi |
C.18 | Method and strain comparison for proteomic evaluation of Salmonella typhimurium H. Mottaz*, A. Norbeck, J. Adkins, J. Rue, J. Gustin, F. Heffron and R. Smith |
C.19 | An ultra-sensitive multidimensional protein identification technology for profiling proteins secreted by human
HepG2 cell line, and proteins of normal human liver tissue L. Ngoka* |
C.20 | Characterization of the mouse glomerular proteome M. Nukui* and K. Tryggvason |
C.21 | Discovery of early stage biomarkers for metastatic breast cancer via principal
component driven data acquisition D. Pinto*, J. Melanson, K. Chisolm, M. Alaoui-Jamali, R. Bonner and L. Burton |
C.22 | Top-down microbial proteomics for phenotypic biomarker discovery T. Williams* and S. Musser |
C.23 | Simultaneous qualitative and quantitative analysis of the E. coli proteome: A sweet tale J. Silva*, R. Denny, C. Dorschel, G. Li, K. Richardson, D. Wall and S. Geromanos |
C.24 | Human urine proteome analysis by three separation approaches W. Sun*, S. Wu, X. Wang, D. Zheng, Y. Gao, F. Li and J. Wang |
C.25 | Structural proteomics of low-risk and high-risk human papillomavirus proteins 86E7 and 18E7 probed by synchrotron
footprinting coupled to mass spectrometry approaches M. Sun*, K. Takamoto, R. Burk and M. Chance |
C.26 | Proteomic analysis of rat liver peroxisome: Immuno-isolation and functional analysis H. Taniguchi*, M. Kikuchi, R. Nakata, S. Omi and K. Ikeda |
C.27 | Proteomic analysis of the secreted proteins of Chinese hamster ovary cells B. Zhang*, W. Haskins, D. Krawitz, T. Moreno and T. Zhang |
C.28 | Directed proteomics of Alzheimer’s related proteins M. Guttman*, G. Nubile, P. van der Geer and E. Komives |
C.29 | Proteomic analysis of cellular response during accumulation of misfolded proteins in yeast cells J. Baek*, Y. Shin, C. Lee, J. Kim, M. Yu |
C.30 | CpG ODN promotes NF-ΚB activation and/or cell survival via up-regulation of Heat-shock proteins 70 (Hsp70) and Hsp90 C. Kuo*, C. Liang, C. Lai, S. Liang, |
C.31 | A resource for free, public proteome informatics software and data J. Falkner*, P. Ulintz, P. Andrews |
C.32 | Detection of nitrous oxide (N2O) in nitric oxide synthase reactions S. Weintraub, Y. Ishimura, Y. Gao, S. Panda, L. Roman, B. Masters |
C.33 | Measurement of DNA Oxidation in MCF-7 Cells Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry J. Mundt*, P. Henderson, R. Sumbad, S. Hah |
C.34 | Software for differential expression analysis using 2D and 3D representations
of LC-MS data for interactive confirmation of results G. Gendeh*, L. Bjorkesten, A. Kaplan, M. Soderstrom, H. Pettersen, S. Lindqvist, J. Flensburg, D. Fenyo |
C.35 | High Resolution Mass Analysis of Intact Proteins and Peptide Digests using the LTQ
Orbitrap Hybrid Mass Spectrometer T. Schlabach*, T. Pekar, K. Waddell, H. Muenster, T. Zhang, R. Kiyonami, K. Miller |
C.36 | Modification of Tryptophan to Kynurenine in Low-density Lipoprotein ApoB-100 by Iron-mediated
Oxidation H. Chen*, C. Chen, L. Chow, Y. Lee, H. Hsu, C. Smith, C. Yang |
C.37 | "Zero-length" cross-linking of "intact" protein complexes in solid state: A new way to analyze protein protein interactions A. El-Shafey*, N. Tolic, M. Young, V. Kery |
C.38 | MeCAT: A NOVEL APPROACH FOR QUANTITATIVE PROTEOMICS M. Linscheid*, R. Ahrends, S. Pieper, C. Scheler |
C.39 | DIGE analysis of seasonal changes in liver of a hibernator, the 13-lined ground squirrel E. Epperson*, J. Rose, S. Martin |