This Symposium has Concluded
A.L. Burlingame
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California
San Francisco, CA 94143-0446
John T. Stults
Predicant Biosciences, Inc.
201 Gateway Blvd.
S. San Francisco, CA 94080
Ruedi H. Aebersold
Institute of Biotechnology
Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology
CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland; and Institute for Systems Biology
Seattle, WA 98103-8904
Conference Coordinator
Candy Stoner
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California
San Francisco, CA 94143-0446
Organizing Committee
Thomas A. Baillie
John J. M. Bergeron
Ralph A. Bradshaw
Steven A. Carr
Catherine E. Costello
Bhupesh C. Das
Raymond J. Deshaies
Simon J. Gaskell
Emilio Gelpi
Michael L. Gross
Karl-Anders Karlsson
Gennaro Marino
James A. McCloskey
Robert C. Murphy
Scott D. Patterson
Jasna Peter-Katalinic
Peter Roepstorff
Jan Sjövall